October 12, 2007

Dangerous Graffiti Vandal Apprehended Age: 6 - Medium: Chalk - Punishment: $300 fine

October 06, 2007

5 months in jail. But dude, the ostrich totally beat him up first!
The appendix has a purpose, after all... It produces and protects good germs for your intestines. YAY! Now that's sorted out, let's all vote on what the new most pointless part of the body is.

September 30, 2007

Sholbit. The end of another language is nigh; only one living Elem Pomo speaker remains. more inside

September 20, 2007


September 18, 2007

Ernie Chambers is Suing God The Nebraska Senator is looking for a permanent injunction against God and his followers for making terroristic threats. God did not immediately respond to a non-denominational prayer for comment by [the] reporter.

September 17, 2007

What should be done with Barry's Ball? ... It turns out Mark Ecko bought #756 (for US$752K) and wants your help deciding what to do with it.

September 14, 2007

If the Crap is Mine, You Will Not Fine Not satisfied with just being a murderer, OJ's now apparently giving burglary a try.

September 07, 2007

Madeline L'Engle RIP Madeline L'Engle, one of the most amazing children's book writers of ours or any other time, died on Thursday. She wrote the incredible "A Wrinkle in Time" and subsequent associated books, featuring Meg, Calvin, Mrs. Who, Mrs. Which, Mrs. Whatsit, and Charles Murray. My world is a smaller, sadder place today.

August 19, 2007

Silly Sunday Singalong... Something to lighten up the end of your weekend and prepare you for Monday: Feelings, and, with special guests Animal and the Swedish Chef, Danny Boy. Evil, evil YouTube links.

August 08, 2007

Hitler's Record Collection Surprise! He was a hypocrite!

August 03, 2007

SHENANNIGANS! The cop from the Village People is fresh out of rehab and mounting a comeback tour. He's trying to convince the world that 'YMCA' and other fine songs like "In the Navy" were in no way, shape or form "gay," but just misinterpreted as such by narrow-minded meanies. more inside

July 25, 2007

Satan's Taxicab San Francisco Taxi Medallion Number 666 has been causing problems for its owner. However his request to have his medallion number changed has been denied. more inside

July 09, 2007

Biggest Bottom Evar I just gotta have more bass! YouTube video.via.

June 18, 2007

Me and My Avatar A cool series of photos pairings of people with their avatars from online gaming worlds in the NY Times. I'm fascinated to see how people see themselves. via.

June 09, 2007

I didn't know he could reach Prince once took a swing at Sinead O'Connor.

June 08, 2007

Friday YouTube: Scraper bike. personal disclosure: I live about 2 miles from where this was produced.

June 06, 2007

UK 2012 Olympics Logo causes fits So far, the reaction to the logo is uniformly negative, with only one brave pundit trying to make lemonade...but in addition to grave concerns for epileptics, one witty commenter noticed that it looked suspiciously like Lisa Simpson performing an indecent act.

May 24, 2007

American Idol Shocker! Sanjaya was a fraud!!!ONE!!11eleven!!1

May 16, 2007

A Real Christian Lion Unfortunately this one is dead, too. But what a swinging life he had, between King's Road in the swinging 60s, and Nairobi in the go-go 70s.
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